Every day, in every way, you are getting better and better. Émile Coué, 1857-1926
I've been in talk therapy for a good portion of my adult life. After four hypnotherapy sessions with Audrey, it's now easy for me to feel calm and centered, and I can return to this positive place quickly after feeling irritated or anxious. Thank you! Brenda M.
Mimi R. smoked a pack a week for 40 years. She’d tried quitting before but it didn’t stick. In early 2019, she was determined to quit for good. She signed up for and completed the 6-Session Smoking Cessation program. Although she did dramatically reduce her smoking, she still struggled to be completely free from cigarettes and the nicotine patch. In 2020, the stress and anxiety of the pandemic struck, and old habits of smoking as a coping mechanism took hold once again. Mimi could have backtracked to square one, but she didn’t. She told herself she had the tools from her hypnotherapy sessions to help her get back on course to healthy living. As of October 2020, Mimi is down to the lowest dose nicotine patch and is very confident, that she’ll soon be free of that, too. In her words, "It may have taken me a year to get to where I am now, but that’s Ok. I'm on track, feeling healthy and proud of my accomplishment!," When she needs a motivation boost, she reminds herself, “I’ve got tools for this! I’ve got this covered!”
Around March 2020, I began experiencing a strong sensation to pee all the time. I went to several doctors, and I was anxious about the sensation and the inability to understand what was going on. I reached out to Audrey for hypnotherapy, in hopes that I could use my mind to heal my body. After the first session, I got a full-night's sleep. After three sessions, I was able to stop the sensation. I continue to use the recording she made me, which has proven to be an incredible tool for creating deep inner peace.
Rita R.
Audrey Holocher is not a physician and, therefore, she does not treat any medical or health condition. For medical, health and/or mental health issues, prior to your first hypnotherapy session with Audrey Holocher, you must have your medical provider’s approval (physician, physical therapist, chiropractor, mental health professional, dentist) to use hypnotherapy as a complement or adjunct to your medical provider's prescribed treatment.