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Hypnotherapy Research

Overactive Bladder Syndrome

October 2018

NIH-funded research used the Hypnotherapy Academy of America's Integral Hypnotherapy Methodology and discovered new hope for 33 million Americans.

Hypnotherapy Academy of America Document

Preoperative use of hypnosis

September 5, 2007

One area of particular interest now is the preoperative use of hypnosis to prepare patients for surgery. This has been found to significantly reduce the pain/unpleasantness/discomfort experienced post-operatively as well as reducing the amount of pain medications required, and reducing the overall recovery time.

A major study of preoperative hypnosis for breast cancer surgery patients was published in September 2007 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute,(JNCI Vol. 99, Number 17). This study used only a 15-minute preoperative hypnosis session. The results showed:

  • The hypnosis reduced costs to the institution by $772.71 per patient.

  • Hypnosis reduced the time in surgery by an average of 10.6 and also showed a significant reduction in use of pain medications that are titrated to patient’s condition.

Effects of hypnosis on post-operative hot flashes in breast cancer surgery patients

November 1, 2008

The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 26, No 31 (November 1), 2008: pp. 5008-5010, found: “Hypnosis appears to reduce perceived hot flashes in breast cancer survivors and may have additional benefits such as reduced anxiety and depression, and improved sleep.”

Hypnosis to relieve IBS symptoms

February 21, 2019

Click on the link below for an overview of many studies on the effectiveness of hypnosis to relieve IBS symptoms.

Hypnosis as effective anesthesia

April 18, 2008

The BBC published a story of a man using hypnosis as effective anesthesia for a surgical procedure on a smashed bone in the thumb.

Research: Resources
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